Tag Archives: ramble

Sunday Ramble

Normally I love Sundays. They are my favorite day of the week. As a family we hit the park or something else fun after picking up our morning Lg D&D. Which is a must on a daily basis for this mom to function. But today is different. I am exhausted having stayed up late for my alone time because the boys were awful about going to bed. Z woke up at 5 am… And it was dad’s day to sleep in. Tomorrow I have to be up at 4am to make it to Boston for 9am and I am the worlds worst morning person. Well, ok not the worst but pretty bad! Oh and tonight is the season premier of my favorite show… True Blood. To stay up or not to stay up? This week is going to be crazy. I have lots of travel in the tristate area and a test on Thursday. Then have family coming into town for the holiday weekend and that should make for good blogging. Always fun times when Sarah’s in town and she’s bringing Jessie. Oh boy. Stay tuned. Oh and almost forgot… Have a dinner guest coming to have an important chat with me tonight. Intense. Thank goodness hubby let me have a nap!





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